Yale Demo Core Facility

Overview of Services

About Us:


This portion of the 'About' tab can be used to give a description of the core facility, how it's funded, the kinds of services that are offered, and what the researcher needs to provide in order for the facility to complete their project/service requests. 


Services: [Service(s) can be listed here individually.]


  • Service A
  • Service B
  • Service C


Equipment and Technology: [Resources (equipment, rooms, etc.) that are available for researcher use can be listed out individually here, or just given a general description of what type(s) of resources are available in the core.]


  • Equipment 1
  • Equipment 2
  • Equipment 3



Core Director

(123) 456-7980


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 5:00pm

Building ABC

1234 Yale Ave

New Haven, CT

Links and Resources

  1. www.yale.edu
  2. [ link or resource # 2 ]
  3. [ etc... ]


Name Role Phone Email Location
Core Administrator




